Fact-Checking Policy - MANASchool

Fact-Checking Policy

Welcome to MANASchool.in! Ensuring accuracy and reliability in our content is a top priority. This Fact-Checking Policy outlines our commitment to providing credible information and the steps we take to maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity.

1. Commitment to Accuracy

a) MANASchool.in is dedicated to delivering accurate information to our readers. We approach our content with skepticism, questioning assumptions, and challenging conventional wisdom to uphold the trust of our audience.

b) Our commitment to accuracy is fundamental to our reputation. The term ‘due accuracy’ means that the information must be adequate and appropriate to the content, considering the subject and nature, and explicitly acknowledging any constraints.

2. Verification and Sourcing

a) All our content is well-sourced, based on available evidence, and corroborated. We aim to be transparent about what we know and don’t know, avoiding unfounded speculation.

b) Our journalists do not deliberately plagiarize or distort facts, including visual information. Claims and material facts are verified independently, especially those made by public officials or individuals with specific agendas.

3. Corrections and Accountability

a) MANASchool.in stands by the accuracy of the information published. If any inaccuracies are discovered, we promptly correct the content. We do not knowingly mislead our audiences and take responsibility for correcting errors with transparency.

b) We provide a fair opportunity for the public to report inaccuracies or errors through the ‘Suggest A Correction’ section at the end of every web story.

4. Editorial Review

a) Our journalists are responsible for reporting, writing, and fact-checking stories. All stories undergo review by one or more editors, with the level of seniority depending on factors such as complexity, sensitivity, and time constraints.

Correction Procedures

If an error is identified:



The Editor-in-Chief will communicate the corrective steps to the reader who reported the error.

Thank you for being part of MANASchool.in, where accuracy and transparency are paramount.
MANASchool.in Team

Email: contact@manaschool.in